Friday, October 12, 2012

Good things happen

My life feels so amazingly different than it did a year ago. Back then, I was working at an office job, feeling underappreciated and bored, but grateful to be supporting myself and my kids. Many mornings I cried as I got ready for my day, longing for work that would nourish my soul.

Then, in January, I wrote out a statement of intention about earning my livelihood in the arts. Within a WEEK, I was offered a part time art teaching position, and within two months, a gallery manager position. Was I nervous about accepting these jobs for which I had limited experience? Yes. But take them both, I did: challenging, fun, soul-nourishing work, with amazing people from whom I would learn so much.

I could never have anticipated the avalanche of great things that has come from taking this path. In the beginning, when I was anxious and somewhat stressed about my new roles, my wise and wonderful friend, Steven, asked "Well, do you like what you're doing?" Me: "Yes". 

