Thursday, March 24, 2011

enter the world of the blog

Ok, so first things first: I admit that this is a whole new world for me, reading blogs in general, and also writing blogs specifically.
The thing is there are so many interesting things out there that people have to say. Brilliant. Wise. Insightful. Humorous. Inspiring. Thought-provoking. And that's just from today. From 2 posts.
But here's the other thing: I DON'T HAVE TIME TO READ A FREAKING NOVELLA.
About anything really. Life for me is a real time activity. Doing real things. The time spent at my computer isn't the real stuff that I crave.
Am I missing something? Maybe. But if I am I'm blissfully unaware.
So, I commit, here and now, to short posts. Thank you for reading my rant.
Amen. Time to go make some art.

Joann Tomsche 3/24/11

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, it can be too time consuming to read a bunch of blogs. I tend to go for blogs with nice pictures and skim thru. And I usually keep my blog posts pretty short because that's the type of blog I like to read. It just happened you stumbled upon my recent entry which was much more wordier than my norm!! I'm lovin your blog though!.... pretty, pretty pix! ( and fun to read too!)
