Saturday, July 21, 2012


This summer has been a unique experience for me.

I'm managing a gallery, which is really fun and interesting in and of itself. Plus, as the gallery is at an art school with a program of summer classes in the arts, I meet many people engaged in creative activities by choice. What I mean is that they value their experience in the arts so much that they use their resources of vacation time and money to be there. So every day I feel a part of a community that values the arts. This is my tribe. It's exhilarating.

The students I've met are so surprising - retired teachers, property managers, optometrists - all learning, risking and sharing the love of an art form. Then there are the teachers - book makers, potters, metal smiths, painters, printmakers - sharing their craft with warmth and kindness. How great is life!

As I'm in the gallery six days per week, I was concerned that I'd have no time or energy left to make my own art. But to my delight the opposite has proved to be true. I'm energized and inspired nearly every day to create. What a fantastic outcome.

Feeling pretty blessed today.